Note: These are estimated delivery times, they are not a guarantee your order will arrive within these times. We will not issue refunds for shipped packages that arrived late. Estimate delivery times do not include order processing time and customs inspection time.
Shipping from Japan Warehouse
Registered SAL** (Unavailable due to COVID-19)
DHL Express
UPS Express Saver
Delivery Time
14 ~ 30 Days |
14 ~ 30 Days (depends on the country) |
3 ~ 7 Days |
3 ~ 7 Days |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes** (except Australia and Canada) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Shipping from US Warehouse
USPS Priority Mail
UPS (Ground / 3 Day Select / 2nd Day Air / Next Day Air Saver)
USPS First-Class Package International Service
USPS Priority Mail International
USPS Priority Mail Express International
Delivery Time
4 ~ 10 Days |
2 ~ 7 Days |
20 ~ 45 Days |
10 ~ 20 Days |
7 ~ 14 Days |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Limited for some countries (might work within the US only) |
Limited for some countries (might work within the US only) |
Yes |